Lawson State Community College announces its Fall 2024 Dean's List!
226 students have been named to the Lawson State Community College Dean's List for the Fall 2024 term. Go Cougars!

Dean's List -
Mar 13
UWA announces Fall 2024 Dean's List
The University of West Alabama has announced nearly 600 outstanding undergraduate students named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2024 academic semester. Fall 2024 academic honors recipients represent 64 out of 67 Alabama counties and 97 counties from 20 other states. The Dean's List gives recognition to those undergraduate students those with grade-point averages between 3.25 and 3.79, completing at least twelve semester credit hours, with no grade lower than a "C." Learn more about the grading system

Dean's List -
Feb 17

SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 2025 C-1 (Jan - Mar)
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 2025 C-1 (Jan - Mar) term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize academic excellence in our part-time and graduate learners. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires full-time or part-time undergraduate, graduate, or coursework only online or campus students to earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for an individual term. Please note: Full-time undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for the President's List or Dean's List. Honor Roll is awarded at the end of each term, while the President's List and Dean's List are recognized at the end of the 16-week campus terms or following paired 8-week terms for online students. While acknowledgment of the Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors, or ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement ceremony, nor will it be noted on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and ceremonial honors.

Academic Excellence -
Mar 11

SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 2024 C-6 (Oct - Dec)
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 2024 C-6 (Oct - Dec) term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize academic excellence in our part-time and graduate learners. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires full-time or part-time undergraduate, graduate, or coursework only online or campus students to earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for an individual term. Please note: Full-time undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for the President's List or Dean's List. Honor Roll is awarded at the end of each term, while the President's List and Dean's List are recognized at the end of the 16-week campus terms or following paired 8-week terms for online students. While acknowledgment of the Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors, or ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement ceremony, nor will it be noted on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and ceremonial honors.

Academic Excellence -
Jan 14
Lawson State Community College announces its Fall 2024 President's List!
Over 144 students have been named to the Lawson State Community College President's List for the Fall 2024 term!

President's List -
Feb 25
UWA announces Fall 2024 President's List
The University of West Alabama has announced more than 400 outstanding undergraduate students named to the President's List for the Fall 2024 academic semester. Fall 2024 academic honors recipients represent 64 out of 67 Alabama counties and 97 counties from 20 other states. The President's List gives recognition to undergraduate students with exceptionally high grades for the semester, those with grade-point averages of 3.80 or higher, completing at least twelve semester credit hours, with no grade lower than a "C." Learn more about the grading system

President's List -
Feb 17
Dean's, President's Lists Students Named for UA Spring 2024 Term
A total of 13,103 students enrolled during Spring Semester 2024 at The University of Alabama were named to the dean's list with an academic record of 3.5 (or above) or the president's list with an academic record of 4.0 (all A's).
Honors List -
2024 Jun 14
Dean's, President's Lists Students Named for UA Fall 2024 Term
A total of 14,631 students enrolled during Fall Semester 2024 at The University of Alabama were named to the dean's list with an academic record of 3.5 (or above) or the president's list with an academic record of 4.0 (all A's).
Honors List -
Jan 27
Troy University announces Chancellor's List for Fall Semester/Term 2
Troy University is pleased to announce students who have been named to the Chancellor's List for the Fall Semester and Term 2 of the 2024-2025 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who earn a grade point average of 4.0 qualify for the Chancellor's List. The Fall Semester includes students at the Troy, Ala., campus. Term 2 includes students at TROY's campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, Ala., along with locations outside of Alabama and online.

Chancellor's List -
Jan 9

Troy University announces Chancellor's List for Term 1
Troy University is pleased to announce students who have been named to the Chancellor's List for Term 1 of the 2023-2024 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for 12 semester hours and who earn a grade point average of 4.0 qualify for the Chancellor's List. Term 1 includes students at TROY's campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, Ala., along with teaching sites outside of Alabama and online.

Chancellor's List -
2024 Jan 9
SNHU Announces Summer 2024 President's List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Summer 2024 President's List. The summer terms run from May to August. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

Student Excellence -
2024 Sep 25
JAX State Announces Fall 2023 Graduates
More than 500 students were awarded degrees as part of Jacksonville State University's Fall 2023 commencement on Dec. 15.

Graduation -
2024 Jan 18
Troy University announces Provost's List for Summer Semester/Term 5
Troy University is proud to announce students who have been named to the Provost's List for the summer semester and Term 5 of the 2023/2024 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who have a grade point average of at least 3.65 qualify for the Provost's List. The summer semester includes students at the Troy, Ala., campus. Term 5 includes students at TROY's campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, Ala., along with locations outside of Alabama and online.

Provost's List -
2024 Aug 9
Troy University announces Provost's List for Term 3
TROY is pleased to announce students who have been named to the Provost's List for Term 3 of the 2023-2024 academic year. Full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who have a grade point average of at least 3.65 qualify for the Provost's List. Term 3 includes students at TROY's campuses in Dothan, Phenix City and Montgomery, Ala., along with students outside of Alabama and online.

Provost's List -
2024 Apr 5
Valdosta State University Announces Spring 2023 Graduates
Valdosta State University is proud to announce the members of its graduating class of Spring 2023.

Graduation -
2023 Jul 5
Troy University recognizes students for completing IMPACT
Troy University is pleased to recognize new students who have completed IMPACT orientation and enrolled in classes for the Fall 2023 semester.

Enrollment -
2023 Jul 19
McWhorter School of Pharmacy White Coat Ceremony
More than 90 students were honored during Samford University's McWhorter School of Pharmacy's White Coat Ceremony.

Achievement (Other) -
2022 Oct 25
Omicron Delta Kappa Celebrates New Members
Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, welcomed 1,971 new initiates from 78 universities during April 2022. Students initiated into the Society must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate/professional students in the top 35% of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the ODK ideals. Fewer than five percent of students on a campus are invited to join each year.

Accepted -
2022 May 16
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Inducts New Members
The following people recently were initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.

Honor Society -
2021 Jul 6
Troy University announces students accepted for admission for Fall 2023
Troy University is proud to announce students who have been accepted for admission for Fall 2023.

Accepted -
2022 Jul 5